
Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008 | Posted in Drawings, Jimsan by

Our final project in printmaking is to make a print X amount of times, where X is equal to the number of students in the class. Each student will receive one print from every other student and make a book out of them. The theme chosen by the class was self-caricatures. I tried the traditional caricature for awhile, but failed miserably. You will be spared the aftermath of that. Here is a South Park styled caricature of myself, equipped with cheesy grin, cowlick, and laptop carrying case.

Hours: 31.75/1000

1 Comment to Caricture

Ashley Harris
December 5, 2008

Bad Jimmy, No South Park!!!!

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All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. – J.R.R. Tolkien

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